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/r/ - Requests

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654808640924.gif (159.29 KB, 466x554, 1649641927190.gif)


Requesting this gif but with chudjak


File: 1654812670750.gif (13.48 KB, 200x200, 10079 - 3d animated gif gl….gif)


that's not chudjak that's a jew


look closer




File: 1654815899131.jpg (123.03 KB, 978x476, 165481267075.jpg)



nas booru coal




nas dust


someone needs to make a new rotating chudjak, this one is antisemitic as fuck


File: 1654993107254.png (497.47 KB, 786x782, 1633676813214.png)

>someone needs to make a new rotating chudjak, this one is antisemitic as fuck


File: 1655009099636.gif (70.69 KB, 466x554, ezgif-5-f2b5aa263e.gif)

how do i make it look less stilted


Workin on it, one sec


File: 1655009258177.gif (62.84 KB, 466x554, chudspin.gif)

Deleted a dupe frame, cleaned up the bg


damn that was quick, thanks chud!


Yw chud


nas tranny coal

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