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/r/ - Requests

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654361130415.png (121.89 KB, 237x358, Fag.png)


Need a 'jack of this faggot


literally who


File: 1654382753417.gif (667.78 KB, 1058x1058, 855d2877461855bc6ace76ccac….gif)

>nooooo you can't spam /pol/troons with insightful, truthful and fact-checked posts


File: 1654388389692.png (981.31 KB, 1594x1518, 1642139694-0.png)

>>nooooo you can't spam /pol/troons with insightful, truthful and fact-checked posts
>/pol/ is le bad and heckin' hateful, I hate those /pol/cha- I-I MEAN LE TROONS!

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