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/r/ - Requests

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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does anyone have this jak or know the thread it was from? i recall back in the before times /qa/ days, a thread/copypasta was posted that went like this

>in future, 2050

>log on to /qa/
>find duel opponent
>certified duel system
>running out of soys
>open mspaint and make a unique jak
>banned before can post
>reset router and duel more

but for the life of me i cant find that post
i drew a pretty picture of the jak in question, the defining feature is that it had the transparent green visor with the japanese text, rest i cant remember well. it may have been inspired by attached, but its not it


File: 1653100563731.png (302.26 KB, 1437x840, lain soy2.png)

I don't have it, sorry chud







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