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/r/ - Requests

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652587198660.gif (213.22 KB, 200x272, 200w.gif)


/r/equesting a hanging -ACK jak/ troonjak of the mass shooter


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>>There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the white race is -ACK!!



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>There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the white race is supe-i'm... ALIVE!!


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>There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the white race is superior...


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>There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the white race is superior...


nas dust


That's crazy, but remember when Cell told gohan that his Kamehameha could quite literally blow the earth away? That means that something like gokus Kiai Canon couldn't beat Cells Kamehameha. That means that possessively, Cell has some sort of god ki. It's also stated that attacks in super have hit the earth but hardly done damage. Cell has god Ki!

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