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File: 1651773579622.png (124.77 KB, 719x594, 10464 - angry animal ear e….png)


Soot datamining thread
you WILL tell me everything you know about soot
i want to meet him IRL and propose to him


Soot is NOT an elephant


kuz is soot because soot has never shown his IRL face. ffs he could've just faked it but he's a pussy AND a SELFISH LITTLE COCKING SUCKER FUCKER


soot went to Jack Britt High School in North Carolina and graduated in 2020


One of the ~100 people in this video is soot


There seems to be a lot of black people at this high school. Could soot be black?


God there are SO MANY black people. Statistically soot has gotta be black.


would explain why he gave his soysona dark skin


Soot got dat bbc fr


That soyjak design was made by the sharty users, not Soot






niggers don't use imageboards let alone would run one




File: 1654247870617.png (121.62 KB, 520x618, TOMATO-SNOPES-GEMJAK.png)

soot lives in the U.S.A and uses Discord



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