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/r/ - Requests

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File: 1650659464688.jpg (56.5 KB, 800x533, FifGD.jpg)


please can someone make a soyjak of pamperchu, i will pay 5$ BTC for the best rendition. nigger.


why do you want to 'jak a schizo that wears shitted diapers everyday? meds


File: 1650659554712.jpg (69.93 KB, 884x1000, buck12.jpg)

U kane pay mah ass in dat NIGGER CHIKIN


kill yourself pharma niggerfaggot shill. unironically neck yourself


ask /r/


??? the fuck are you on about insane nigger


File: 1650659660800.png (102.26 KB, 1200x609, 632864843222222.png)

>can someone make me a soyjak? Chud 2 minutes ago No.505630
>please can someone make a soyjak of pamperchu, i will pay 5$ BTC for the best rendition. nigger.

>Chud Just now No.505636

>why do you want to 'jak a schizo that wears shitted diapers everyday? meds

>Chud Just now No.505638

>File (hide): 1650659554712.jpg (69.93 KB, 884x1000, buck12.jpg)

>U kane pay mah ass in dat NIGGER CHIKIN

>Chud 04/22/22 (Fri) 20:33:14 No.505640

>kill yourself pharma niggerfaggot shill. unironically neck yourself


youre a pharma niggershill.ill take my meds when you kys


>soyjak muh fetish
knife your cock off putrid mental gypsy gook




That's crazy, but remember when Cell told gohan that his Kamehameha could quite literally blow the earth away? That means that something like gokus Kiai Canon couldn't beat Cells Kamehameha. That means that possessively, Cell has some sort of god ki. It's also stated that attacks in super have hit the earth but hardly done damage. Cell has god Ki!

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