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File: 1645028384726.jpg (157.37 KB, 866x1390, portrait-of-inupiat-eskimo….jpg)


There is an Eskimo on /bant/ that I have a great deal of hate for. Can you give me ideas for an Eskimojak that is as hateful and hurtful as possible?


File: 1645028513994.png (200.51 KB, 680x743, 7e1.png)

this but instead of an african gentleman it's a chink wearing winter clothes


thats good, keep the ideas coming


Hanging eskimojak


Drunk make his igloo made out of ice cubes from the refrigerator




why you hate a Eskimochad, however


File: 1645409088326.jpg (3.6 MB, 4160x3120, 1542976029416.jpg)

is it the same guy who /int/ellectuals called the police on when he attempted suicide?


hes inuit not eskimo though

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