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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1654171448546.png (23.11 KB, 803x121, seetheturus.png)


Holy seethe


Why don't they all fuck off to frenschan? I thought it was the based site where niggerdicks are banned.






another fake pic by the discord faggots who are totally owning the other discord fags by flooding the site with nigger shitson dick cancer


cafetroon damage control has arrived


>discord fags vs discord fags
If you're saying it's fake that means you'd have to be in the cafe to know, faggot


great deflection i never saw a single chatlog or anything that would confirm these images to be true, they are certainly fake and are being pushed by a trannycord brigade whos intent it is to force their drama onto this website


File: 1654173940063.png (370.3 KB, 859x960, shartychamp.png)

Trannies have no honor or integrity.



File: 1654174348930.png (3.9 KB, 47x44, ClipboardImage.png)

>it's fake because uh it just fucking is okay and i'm NOT a discord tranny


File: 1654174748404.png (264.76 KB, 2048x2048, turtle.png)

>Holy seethe

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