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File: 1649554304835.jpg (303.15 KB, 1080x1829, Screenshot_20220409-203100.jpg)

 No.22078[View All]

This says a lot
219 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>No meme arrow
You look like this and say that


File: 1652278298819.png (421.5 KB, 586x533, Screenshot from 2022-05-11….png)


so is this the leftroon crying thread


File: 1652281606996.png (1.84 MB, 600x800, world record soy disgust d….png)

>This thread


do we really look like this and say this soysisters?
tell me it ain't so


Cope, soyjak is a cringe Twitter meme


File: 1652301268402-0.png (153.85 KB, 586x424, image_2022-05-11_153434731.png)

File: 1652301268402-1.png (189.89 KB, 591x667, Capture26.PNG)



'witter and gigachad therefore gem




File: 1652986337332.jpg (220.41 KB, 1536x2048, 1652985705654.jpg)


nigger extermination


File: 1652988335542.png (398.94 KB, 713x677, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1653170854700.png (307.25 KB, 607x850, Screenshot from 2022-05-22….png)

'witter fauci gemmy


where are they getting all these soyjaks from? especially sometimes its rare sharty exclusives, they must be lurking here


discord nazi pedo troons


of course leftoids twitter niggers are here, why else would there be chudjak spam and gay porn?


File: 1653202430734.png (573.17 KB, 909x1128, Screenshot Capture - 2022-….png)


File: 1653205287013-0.png (141.67 KB, 520x702, unknown-23.png)

File: 1653205287013-1.jpg (275.13 KB, 1080x1128, Screenshot_20220519-205425.jpg)


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soy doge



daddy elon, give us dogecoin




File: 1653506787300.png (404.45 KB, 539x800, 1653506531584.png)


if this isn't some russian troll I swear too god


File: 1653760480839.png (157.99 KB, 1068x940, cawthorn'd.png)



it isn't just cawthron and spic fuentes, it's just the GOP


look at his username


George Takei is so unbelievably lame


If only vaccines cured homosexuality


File: 1653794100565.png (163.04 KB, 595x421, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1653804270171.png (199.51 KB, 500x590, 1605386061016.png)



Soyjak won.


File: 1654106992052.jpg (75.36 KB, 513x680, 164955741417.jpg)



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why are they all irony twitter faggots


File: 1654746050777-0.png (367.66 KB, 607x1606, 1654745729026.png)

File: 1654746050777-1.png (421.26 KB, 919x1308, 1654745644346.png)

'resh 'weet just dropped


Actual yikes


i say the statement on the top left and i look like that albeit


File: 1655134735700.jpg (137.88 KB, 1125x1352, holy gem.jpg)


File: 1655176436790.png (581.08 KB, 1076x1095, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1655177170382.jpeg (346.21 KB, 848x1319, 0D8C9796-298E-4647-90E4-9….jpeg)




File: 1655203949762.png (392.9 KB, 719x634, 16514987417471.PNG)

new dog


File: 1655204469627.png (639.77 KB, 1043x823, 163251698515.PNG)

new old yurijak


File: 1655208210643.png (303.12 KB, 728x694, 1651418148778174.PNG)

Why do actual racists love to post shitson


File: 1655208813676.mp4 (8.71 MB, 1280x720, [1534309185684398081].mp4)

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