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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1655179921901-0.mp4 (1.44 MB, 480x270, rich Jew admits Jews contr….mp4)

File: 1655179921901-1.jpg (186.59 KB, 1024x836, Soyjak Jew our democracy o….jpg)


>Russia is ba-


Yeah it's jews on both sides warmongering for profit and making the goyim die for them, same thing that has been happening for centuries. Yet every time they do it some dummies get tempted to pick sides. There's only one side in war.


by that logic will you also make peace and unity with the mexicans, muslims and black immigrants flooding america? goyim wars only serve them right


nah I support Russia BTFOing the western ZOG colony that is ukraine, they're only going to take the Donbas anyways


The tards in question

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