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I don't even know if this is on topic or not, but does anyone else utterly hate modern children toys? It's 99% cheap Chinese plastic with brand logos stamped onto them. They're connected to nothing culturally significant, usually foster no creativity in children (besides maybe lego and lincoln logs), and if they are ever bonded with, the kid is bonding with the face of a brand rather than something real like an animal (thus leading to soyboyism where people get "LE NOSTALGIA" over brands and toys that only exist for profit and consoomerism).
What really gets me is that these toys are so shit that they're never cherished and passed down, but rather are disposed of in landfills where they contribute to the environmental problems of the world. Even some of the "better" toys like lego and lincoln logs are made of shitty plastic that gets dumped into the ocean.
I know this is highly autistic, but I really can't be the only one who hates toys like these. I wish I was given something simple like letter blocks, wooden trains, and simple animal plushes as a kid.


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>passed down
>environmental problems
you're still right


My uncle told me that when he was 10 he and his friends would make gunpowder pipe bombs for entertainment. (((Health and safety regulations))) weren't a thing in 1940s Ireland.


you can still do this though

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