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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1655025541415.png (114.51 KB, 717x1533, 6737 - 2soyjaks buff close….png)


for the gay chuds, how do you reconcile your homosexuality with your political and moral ideologies?


File: 1655025669289.png (1.49 MB, 959x1603, 1653934122569.png)

im a chud but im not a faggot


File: 1655027553413.png (16.02 KB, 645x770, 4139 - 6a6df5ce3296c3aa338….png)

then get out


File: 1655027846815.jpg (324.54 KB, 1242x757, soyjakparty.jpg)

It's 2022, all republichuds support LGBT rights.


File: 1655029856134.png (52.72 KB, 775x849, neutral cob.png)

stop projecting your faggotry on us


File: 1655062412517.png (1.07 MB, 671x946, the revolution will be won….PNG)

no need to reconcile anything, national socialism is the most obvious ideology choice for LGBTQ folks. think of Yukio Mishima or Goering.


Goering had a hot wife though. You're thinking of Rohm.



File: 1655071969673.png (147.65 KB, 800x789, angry i love science soyja….png)

>Goering had a hot wife though. You're thinking of Rohm.


File: 1655086099276.png (5.5 KB, 188x357, s.png)

>she says while self inserting as transon


You are


Mishima had a wife you troon


File: 1655154101499.png (307.2 KB, 787x980, wholesomed.PNG)

Huh? What u mean?

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