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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1654748824710.jpeg (1.85 MB, 3000x2000, 73933B65-76FF-4B9A-BC35-8….jpeg)


Why are liberals afraid of strong women?


>The DEMOCRATS are the REAL transphobes!!


Good god I expanded that image and now a corpse has looked into my soul and cursed me. Why are the eyes like that


the AMERISHARTS are the REAL kike slaves


File: 1655075300174-0.png (98.22 KB, 768x719, 1644520365265.png)

File: 1655075300174-1.png (98.22 KB, 768x719, 1644520365265.png)

File: 1655075300174-2.png (98.22 KB, 768x719, 1644520365265.png)

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