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I don't get why the Right is so against fossil fuels. It's so obvious that no one gains from opposing it; we're just trying to save the planet.


banning fossil fuels*


chinese poland lole


Are you gonna build Tesla rechargers in all the small rural towns? Are you gonna invent tractors and transport trucks that run on electric batteries? If not, then all you're doing is causing suffering and inflation needlessly just to suit a few rich/middle-class hippies' emotions.

>that pic

Yeah of course Jew York wants to ban any currency that isn't controlled by Jewish banks. I'm seeing a theme of greentards kneeling unquestionably before Jewish/WEF elites.





bitcoin has been controlled by kikes for while now


I don't get why the left so against nuclear energy. It's so obvious that no one gains from it besides fossil fuel companies and producers of more costly green energy alternatives; we're just trying to save the planet without using subsidies which mainly just funnel money back to the billionaires they claim to loathe so much.



I'm all for saving the forests don't get me wrong but transforming energy production into a Jewish exit scam isn't a great idea

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