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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1654448097823.png (573.03 KB, 600x974, absolutestate.png)


This is a right-wing organisation, that shits on biden, opposes refugee in euorope and general leftist ideology affecting pajeets in the america.

Is the right-wing in your cunt like pic related?


File: 1654449058860.png (926.53 KB, 958x880, njgop.png)


Good lord
In answer to your question, yes, but the real right wingers are spread out along the Bible Belt. The states proposing to ban abortion are a good indicator on where the based people live.


It depends. PP (cuckservatives, are only conservative in that sense) are like that.
VOX are not but they just try to not talk about that because they fear being castrated and the day 25 they will just publish some retarded tweet saying that "hurr durr gender ideology they dont represent actual gay pipo" when it's known that faggots are not people and gender ideology represents them to the core.


what else do you expect from shitskins?


fart in mart you amerilard


I don't know. pajeets always seemed degenerate to me. they have one old mythological story and that's enough for them to think they're the superior race

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