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What happened here?


jews did seven eleven


Saudi Arabia


iran + kikes however 3000 goy mutts dead = based


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silverstein insured the towers against terrorist attack 1 month beforehand - they were full of dangerous asbestos and had to come down sooner or later. the towers were demolished with thermite and plastic explosives probably planted by mossad agents disguised as elevator repair men in the days prior. dozens of concurrent training exercises purposefully prevented any interceptors from shooting down the planes. it happened because exxon wanted oil from iraq, halliburton and dyncorp wanted rebuilding contracts, the US military needed an overhaul, defense companies wanted funding, and pharamceutical companies wanted opium from afghanistan. the explosion at the pentagon destroyed the budget analyst department that was working on the mystery of the $2.3 trillion missing from the pentagons budget announced 1 day before by rumsfeld. the destruction of wtc7 destroyed documents related to ENRON and worldcom. insiders made millions shorting the airline stocks

the end


>no meme arrow
You look like that


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