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Out of all the Balkan countries, Serbia objectively has the highest quality of life. The rest, like Albania and Croatia, are in complete disrepair with high unemployment, high rates of poverty, and an overall low standard for living. Hopefully Croatia's joining of the EU repairs their situation.


Serbia is way worse than Croatia.


probably should just bring yugoslavia back. there’s no other way the balkans will ever have any power


That's what a Serb told me. I have no idea how you'd do that in modern day, since a communist dictator could barely hold that stack of cards together.


Croatia has nice beaches though


if anything it's the other way around, Serbia is the biggest shithole of them all
Slovenia is the most well off country in the region if you're willing to consider it part of the Balkans, but even if you dont Serbia get mogged hard by pretty much any other country in the region

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