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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1654120480238.jpg (234.03 KB, 1000x562, TRS Mike and Sven soyboy S….jpg)


New TRS (The Right Stuff) white nationalist podcasts general thread; mostly for the TDS (The Daily Shoah) podcast.



File: 1654120538722.png (988.65 KB, 2472x3106, Soyjak Troonjak troon dick….png)



File: 1654561834868.png (9.24 KB, 641x730, 1633750795510.png)

>Please complete the security check to access therightstuff.biz


jak them


File: 1654562900821.jpg (79.68 KB, 887x1200, Mike Enoch soyjak.jpg)

Better soy Mike.



Why don't they do something useful instead of protesting?


File: 1654741336836.png (61.08 KB, 340x512, Soyjak squirrel.png)


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