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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1654105892794.jpg (103.1 KB, 1000x500, Stonetoss Pride Month Disn….jpg)


New 'toss.


File: 1654106214899.jpg (106.15 KB, 1000x800, 1653497192077.jpg)

>Mom, the newest coal just dropped!


there is that image of shapes chopping each other and all of them going after the straight shape couples anyone have it? its from stonetossa s well


File: 1654134311535-0.jpg (169.88 KB, 759x1024, 1630765697574.jpg)

File: 1654134311535-1.png (1.58 MB, 768x719, 1640921479797.png)

stop noticing patterns goym! thats antisemi- ACK!
but seriously... who even thinks of these hipocritic things


File: 1654296908208.png (421.47 KB, 905x1810, 1654205075836.png)


what is the fifth panel supposed to represent


probably has to do with trannyism if i'd assume, but i'm still confused on 4th and 5th


>-ACK!erman Institute


File: 1654333461931.jpg (48.34 KB, 475x486, Screenshot_20220604-100700….jpg)

what is this one supposed to be ?


File: 1654333668077.png (65.15 KB, 676x707, cobbcson.png)


BBC is a disinformation chud campagaign tho




File: 1654375541809.png (688.9 KB, 1876x1804, chud hypocrisy.png)


File: 1654387513344.png (118.34 KB, 1759x1255, 1653943822224.png)


holy coal


I fucking hate you lol



thanks mate i was looking for this image do you have the original stonetoss link? keyed toothpaste flag

furry trannies have an insufferable hatred for straights and happy couples they hate them its so fucking unreal thank god im not mentally ill despite my autism

looks like im getting lucky i need that deformed swastika image on my GIMP meme collection

>>30626 based flipper
why do you keep commenting coal on every thread come up with something more original will ya?



Just put that pedo image on the 'chive.


File: 1654657634998.jpg (164.04 KB, 1024x767, 1628306501097.jpg)

what a based law!

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