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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1653797681220.mp4 (419.83 KB, 640x426, sam hyde polpot.mp4)


was polpot right to kill all the intellectuals?


był samolubnym małym gnojkiem


File: 1653798796858.png (22.19 KB, 1000x900, vsauce1 soyjak.png)

Yes, execute everyone who looks like this



File: 1653830046815.png (7.63 KB, 680x768, 375 - ear glasses scared s….png)

Kierła. Myślałem, że Samuel Ukrycie został komuchem...


Either way you would have nothing to worry about


the song is like the sound of a violin being raped


if intellectual means overeducated people who have never held a job and think they know whats best for the world then yes
basically this

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