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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1653719413438.png (463.98 KB, 1820x910, 9451 - 2soyjaks antifa arm….png)


why are chuddies so anti-communist? do they not realize that the utter garbage that is capitalism is suppressing them more than any "da joos" ever could?


I don't think Colbert, Sanders or even Maddow are particularly ugly. They certainly don't look like chudjak at any rate


vaush isn't a Communist, he's just a Democrat


same thing faggot


But he's anti-Z gang


would be a multilayered gem if left included current-day vaush


stop watching vaush


File: 1653760074761.png (62.59 KB, 592x720, 1653440364939.png)

>the utter garbage that is capitalism

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