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I argued with some troons recently about conversion therapy, I kept telling them that there hasn't really been much objective study of scientific conversion therapy (i.e., not just forcing fags to read the Bible harder like classic Christian-based conversion therapy does); and that a lot of it is clouded by leftists lobbying to shut down conversion therapy because it's an easy way to get culture war votes from retards, and also there's the aspect of leftists/Jews in the establishment threatening and/or not providing funds to scientists who conduct conversion therapy experiments.

I think it's possible to forcibly change somebody's sexual preference or at least make them bisexual with enough exposure and hypnosis and forced partaking in sex or pornography of the different gender; that goes for both gay and straight alignments. However I believe it's easier to make a homosexual straight than vice-versa because there's just so much hard-coded genetics and hormonal reactions in the distinct sexes that try to make breeding possible. There should be some program that uses exposure to female hormones in conduction with sexual stimulation and imagery of nude women to force a fag male to associate mentally the idea of nude women with sexual gratification. I don't see why it wouldn't be viable in many cases. Like I said earlier, the only thing holding it back is arbitrary restrictions enacted by libtards.


you are clearly arguing in bad faith arguing with trannies is like trying to convince a schizophrenic that the people he sees aren't real


Do you have thrembo peer-reviewed studies to back that up albeit?


I agree wholeheartedly. To successfully protect homosexuality from all criticism (even things that are objectively true like fags dying young and having more partners) leftists/Jews have to reduce all opposition as a religious objection. Some scientists have literally ruined their careers by pushing back against transsexualism as having no scientific base. The people they call "experts" are twitter checkmark trannies running the academia from behind the scenes: the scientific method is objective but scientists are people with biases, personal experiences, tendencies toward grabbing money. Not to mention the twitter checkmark trannies are the ones withholding funding.
In my opinion Christians made the greatest strawman to sexual deviancy there ever was. There was a time when commies hated fags, remember, and now the commies will eat you alive if you object to their pride flags and child grooming.


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It can be done but it needs to be couched in fully developed epicurean terms; the whole point of living is to survive and thrive and reproduce, and if you destroy a physical part of your body that works perfectly fine out of some somatic illness or affected feelings, or even misplaced euphoria, then you are fully transgressing against the purpose of your own life.
In the case of transgenderism, you're not just cutting off your nose to spite your face, you're cutting off your dick and balls to spite your own survival and that of your own will to live and will to power. Post-op trannies have literally committed slow suicide without the killing themselves; the purpose of life is to generate it regardless of how you feel about how you are supposed to feel about your body. Even retards fuck and from their point of view, that's their win, regardless of whether or not they should do so, especially if they have genetic illnesses. If a transgender person somehow wakes up from their fever dream before they mutilate themselves, then they might be able to recover their previous selves.


Debate will never get you anywhere. Debate was inherently designed to get you nowhere. Stop debating or playing their games with their (((scientific studies))). Principles don't need them.

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