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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1653433024252.jpg (57.6 KB, 864x901, 1653432742620.jpg)


new jak just dropped


no jak in that picture


>SS runes
>while using a kike rifle


Heard of rhodesia?


FAL was made in Belgium


File: 1653433626094.png (12.51 KB, 600x600, 1650971119419.png)

i stand with israel




Israel built weapon factories in white rhodesia



that was South Africa, mutt


>During the 1970s, Israel sold weapons and military equipment to the white government of Rhodesia during the Rhodesian Bush War, eventually granting them a license to manufacture their own.
can you into geopolitics or are you just a /pol/ brained hoi4tard


File: 1653434091305.png (199.5 KB, 1522x562, ol roy.PNG)

oy vey


Making a few Uzis under license isn't the same as having a foreign country building you a factory



File: 1653434417228.png (71.91 KB, 1186x438, rhodesia.PNG)

jews were sheltered there too by the anglo kikes isn't that just as bad?


>mutt education


Eastern mongoloid coal.


>irish gypsy bargaining





nice quads


nice get








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