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/pol/ - Politics

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The Northwestern Imperative is the idea that racially aware whites should move to the Pacific Northwest.(Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Western Montana) Once settled we would form communities, start our own businesses, and take local positions of power. Eventually after our numbers and influence grew we would secede and form our own nation. This would obviously be a long and difficult process, but what other options are there? There are so many shit skins that we are unlikely to take back the entire U.S.


you got soyquoted on /soy/ lol


Ok? And?


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why would I abandon my southern heritage, land, and way of life to be with a bunch of totalitarians, new englanders, hippies, nu-quakers, californian soy boys, trvd cvath larpers, and other undesirables? Your ideal of a "whites only" society makes no sense. the differences between the Euro-American groups is so vast that any combination of them would be less stable than the multi-cultural societies that you (rightfully) hate. Stop forcing this united, white identity meme, it doesn't exist, and if it did exist, it'd be less stable than the Yugoslavian identity and would lead to an irrecoverable collapse in all Euro-American cultures.


toggletranny coal


I lived in rural Oregon once. Soil was nothing but pumice. Got down to -20 in the winter. The volcanic dust would get into the creases in your hands and make them bleed as you worked. Obviously not a lot of people can live out there.
I went over the mountains several times to see friends in the cities. They were absolute UTTER shitholes. I would never go near that land again. You won't be able to clean that garbage up. Nuke Seattle and Portland

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