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Why are zoomers and boomers so hated while millenials aren't?


Boomers hate millenials


they say we addicted to phone and we are pussies


Boomers just hang out at bars drinking wine and playing Domino all day lol they don't care enough.




millenials were hated before zoomers came around


Boomers hate millenians even dough they did bear them.


'oomer 'oomer 'oomer


that’s the stupid part


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Idk, but I remember from English lessons that "born" is a past participle of "bear" which is funny.


walking around O'Connell street today some Spanish zoomers on a school trip began spitting at some queer tranny faggot outside mcdonalds lol


Lol it remembers me of that Polish dyke we used to pester.

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