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File: 1651979046965.mp4 (2.19 MB, 640x582, omw_to_reinstate_the_gold_….mp4)


thoughts on the gold standard?


just as fake and gay as fiat
arbitrary value placed on stupid shiny rock


Our currency standard should be dictated by XMR and AMC stocks


File: 1651981829846.png (28.9 KB, 753x960, 1565690740190.png)

>Our currency standard should be dictated by XMR and AMC stocks


File: 1652008394717.png (962.07 KB, 888x2736, 31B9F8FC-167F-49DE-830A-CA….png)

Very based.


yeah but gold is at least deflationary and your savings won't turn to ash if you don't buy 20 billion funko pops in the next 3 seconds
I have heard of crypto backed currencies before and I am skeptical of them long term. They'd require enough peace to allow a world-wide internet to flourish and currently that doesn't seem possible. Not saying crypto "le bad" or anything, it's the superior format for doing transactions over the internet when compared to coal like paypal or stripe, but it really isn't ideal for a proper currency due to it's high stability requirements.


New lolbert jak

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