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/pol/ - Politics

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1651712177487-0.png (260.72 KB, 583x750, Screenshot from 2022-05-05….png)

File: 1651712177487-1.png (17.83 KB, 618x576, Screenshot from 2022-05-05….png)


Oy vey shot it down


File: 1651712698416.png (65.13 KB, 320x320, ClipboardImage.png)

>why are they all jewish


fake and gay



Authentic and straight however


File: 1651714455254.gif (214.28 KB, 162x169, 3D Jew.gif)


lol i didn't believe it


nice selfie


File: 1651789415111.jpeg (72.71 KB, 1280x720, R (93).jpeg)

>no chin
>no right to speak


Could transitioning have saved her bros?


Leafy troon'd himself?


Updooting this rubypolished gem.




File: 1652059784798.gif (88.22 KB, 230x253, dancing jew swede soy.gif)

I mean it's a good question though

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