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/pol/ - Politics

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yet another Redditor NAZI ANTIFA from "U.S.A." died in Khazaria. Upvoted Greta Thunberg, supported Biden, called everyone "Russian bot".

Died for Khazarian Khaganate.

The next - for Israel. Very soon.


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These Redditors were from Pooland and Germany.


Supported Khazaria.

And Israel for sure.


Khazarians, the biggest Nazis in the world, lost. Again.


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I know this whole blending together of nazi and jew is a big fucking psyop but damn if it ain't kinda funny


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Yes, psyop.

- The biggest Nazis in the world are Khazarians ("Israel")
- "U.S.A." supports them


Duh doy. But why call them that?




ok, nigger


wtf I'm a zionist now

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