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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1651188300098.mp4 (544.11 KB, 640x640, when you ask a chud who th….mp4)


how do people like this guy?


soot make /fuentes/


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Because he's an irony bro and /pol/ incarnate. When asked if he's a Nazi, he'll say "noooooo, not me! I'm not a ""nazi"" *snicker*" then talk about how America is losing what made it America, namely it's "whiteness".
In other words, he's a stand in for most /pol/ basement dwellers as a shining example of what they could be one day, a grifter meeting with politicians and spreading the gospel of incel memes.
I find it pretty funny that /pol/ and Fuentes share a common bond of being deeply closeted homosexuals shrouding their love for traps and bbc behind macho reactionary political stances that are engineered to trigger as many people as possible.


On another note, I can't wait for the porsalin documentary after he's done with Mersh.
Never name drop porsalin.


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I kneel to the explanation, seems to hit on some good points. Nick is drenched in half-hearted irony and surface level /pol/ thought that's only "based" because he's brash with his views rather than witty. he takes the current opinion, /pol/ify it (or reads what the /pol/ consensus is), and sells it back to viewers. I think some of his pro-russia stuff is a great example of this.

I think to add, some of my personal problems with nick and his show lies in the fact he's a demagogue without any of the charm. I'm pretty chuddy, arguably in the same camp as him, but Nick is just a loser. he's got none of the smarts of any proper reactionary thinker and theory crafter, none of the wit and pragmatics of a good digital missionary to the young, none of the swagger of a big name reactionary or diet-reactionary to appeal to the masses, and none of the baron status to throw cash at what he believes in. All he has is /pol/tards enamored with his work. He can't even pull a Trump and win over the masses through his rhetoric, he's just a niche loser tapping into justified rage for impotent purposes that could otherwise be directed at something useful to his cause.


cringe /pol/ thread, soot delete this board already, everyonetold you not to make it.


>van decent discussion


high IQ discussion is not permitted here you know this right


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shartyU is the last true open academy


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cause deep down everybody wants that catboy bussy





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He's hot, what's his name?




dude that's keffals lmao


Has he shown his penis?


pseud coal

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