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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1650889285720.png (316.03 KB, 1080x916, ausfag election debate.png)


My fellow aussisters... what party will you be voting for? (ASIO datamining thread btw)


Clive Palmer's UAP


File: 1650902568063.png (4.78 KB, 768x432, 9879142iuduia136.png)


this one


Do you guys have a Nazi party? Yeah, I'll vote for them.


File: 1650903150975.png (119.6 KB, 600x564, 1626118852005.png)

>Do you guys have a Nazi party? Yeah, I'll vote for them.


What? America has one, Aussies probably do too


The closest thing would be the Australia First party but the leader thinks neo-nazis are retarded/glowniggers

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