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File: 1650843777860.png (511.35 KB, 778x921, Screenshot from 2022-04-25….png)


All climate shills should do this lmao


i agree


File: 1650843875742.png (44.29 KB, 347x307, jew jak.png)

>Lol we made the goyim burn himself alive for electric cars and windmills and higher taxes


File: 1650845000292.png (411.73 KB, 883x842, ClipboardImage.png)

Did he used subsidized matches?


Climate shills are the worst they all need to 41%


We must dilate our carbon emissions



That's the American Nazi Party in the 70's, funny shit


Was colour video not available in 70s America? Why is it monochrome?


*My bad this is from 1966
Here's the full video (more signs included)


i hope all of you are murdered in the coming African climate refugee waves


climate change is a punishment from God for all of the sodomy and hedonism.


Fuck climate (((activists))), once the day of the rope comes they will all face the wall.

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