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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1650824710940.gif (405.34 KB, 248x248, 8182 - 3dgifmaker animated….gif)


>Le Pen bros...


File: 1650825328675.jpg (32.32 KB, 795x444, 1650656018387.jpg)

Youn will be dead soon.


Who's Youn


Cishit can't even spell 'you' right

vvv seethe


File: 1650825906195.png (488 B, 16x11, us.png)

Soot rangeban all chuds who have this flag displayed.



File: 1650829827949.gif (362.25 KB, 248x248, 1649963479882a.gif)


>>Le Pen bros...


File: 1650829907813.jpg (86.46 KB, 570x641, 843623uytuw06.jpg)


>Soot rangeban all chuds who have this flag displayed.


Die twink


true, but Germans language is trans-inclusive since they can say das Tranny


Everyone knew the 'cron would win though


honestly? france doesn't deserve good things


I thought you were Lithuanian?


france has collapsed already... its afrikkkans walking around spitting on people and inbred isis arabs fighting street war with niggers and chechens to stop arab girls ride their dicks.. nothing left for aryan french men you cant find a girlfriend or even a friend, so im a refugee in thailand i because i see already before elections its too late so i left as quick i can


you leaving probably increased the average IQ of french people by 10 points


Not happening



says the nigger


this so much this

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