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/pol/ - Politics

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File: 1648649905028.jpg (205.63 KB, 1401x699, bandicam 2022-03-30 16-43-….jpg)


Atention, trannies are trying to recolor our swastika...
do we allow that ?



we should just put a chudjak there imo


make a trannyjak ofc


I hate rainbow people


why indonesia so uncreative they inverted polishj flag?





File: 1648651659649.gif (3.93 MB, 450x450, 1648272574488.gif)



focus on the big one


attention to the big one let them delete smaller one, they can't do anything if they're mother base is gone


File: 1648654175778.jpg (31.91 KB, 500x288, EemdnSUUwAAZCag.jpg)

I approve this change. It sends across the idea that National Socialism is the tranny ideology (which it is).


File: 1648655417505.png (481.99 KB, 726x711, 1648534159541.png)

once again lefty trannies has shown that they can't creaty anything, just destroy






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