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/pol/ - Politics

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1648346685908.jpeg (143.1 KB, 1099x1084, cdf5f51f876bfa207080dcd11….jpeg)


new megagem dropped


File: 1648347255044.png (97.27 KB, 410x287, FOw-lTnWQAIQphK.png)


rusgoloid coally


File: 1648355976248.jpg (45.77 KB, 332x300, old khazaria.jpg)

Wake me up in twenty years to tell me which jew oligarchs conquer Khazaria


They're nazis and that's good.




I can break you in half.


you couldn't break a kit kat in half


File: 1648384745949.png (359.21 KB, 1099x1084, 1648346685908a.png)


how does it make you feel to know that every single day tor nodes are being banned here and some day none will be left for you to use


The sad part is that soot could have easily gotten a .txt file listing all the tor nodes and blocked them at any time by adding them to the spam list.


its actually somewhat sad since you have been on our /pol/ for a long time but oh well thats how things go


fellow torchad btw



i come here for fun, this is not a legit /pol/ you idiot


will you find a different way to post or will you leave once all tor nodes are gone?



File: 1648458396348.png (34.89 KB, 454x520, 285.png)

>they will NEVER find out that I live in Nuremberg




File: 1651432070991.png (32.01 KB, 818x1092, dedl60i-21b54c11-34b4-45d4….png)

Art used to be something to cherish
Now literally anything could be art
This post is art


uhlokrajina donbas coal mines donbass coal mines accident 17 trapped miners in donbass coal mine coal mining equipment destroyed in shelling coal miners trapped in coal mine


ukrajina u krajina uhelná krajina


uhel uhlíkový uhličitý uhel úhel pohledu trojuhelník


trdelník prdelník přesprdenlík parník


janny is gangstalking me and bumping old threads i posted in

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