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/pol/ - Politics

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the last Furry Hate thread got reverted by the shartie ceepee cirno spambot here are the archive links for the "newer" threads incase anybody is interested
https://archive.fo/Kl0Ah https://archive.fo/6eM1E https://archive.fo/OAe2T https://archive.fo/kvTNU https://archived.moe/pol/thread/355020853
#StayHuman #AnthroH8 #KillAllFurries (RIP ruqqus they had some really good furry hate subs)
(to the mods of /trash/ i hope you die from the very same clotshots you are pushing to the rest of the world god will punish you for your crimes against humannity)


oh no no vaxxtroons...


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>Vaccine is being developed by a furry therefore I will not take it


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>>Vaccine is being developed by a furry therefore I will not take it


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incase anyone wants to stir up IRL raids here are the /vpg/ archives http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/%2Fvpg%2F%20vaccine%20propaganda%20general/
its not too late we can still save the human race the way nature originally intended (furries are truly abominations like jews who should never be given rights or this will happen)

why is this deleted?
Chud Morocco 1 minute ago No.23364 | File (hide): 1644257373798.jpg [thumbnail of OP image] (36.6 KB, 198x255, 1644257248121.jpg) | Please relax 🙏

>>23367 >>23368 (can someone webm this https://www.bitchute.com/video/UJyYLqzJgiYs/)
i will NEVER inject the LGBTQPfizer into my body i would rather die from the disease itself rather than the cure

here is some copypasta from jewtube comments to drum up the thread [Title: StayStrong StaySafe StayHuman fuck the antichrist by w7-890]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j56vgK1ap_g (thanks dailystormer) copied this one from youtube.. thought it was pretty great....
Of all the vaccines I have taken in my life like Tetanus shots, measles, mumps, polio, meningitis, TB shots, etc...
Never have I heard so many lies and deceptions over a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated, and that I could still contract or spread the virus even after being fully vaccinated.
Never had to get tested when I was perfectly healthy without any symptoms whatsoever.
Never been bribed by the establishments to take the vaccine in order to win a holiday and/or cash prizes or earn frequent flyer points.
I never had to worry about cardiac issues, neurological disorders, blood clots and sadly more! Didn't even have to worry about death.
Never was I ever THREATENED by the use of FORCE by the Government, Employers, Police force, and Military for a vaccine as seen overseas.
I was never judged by my friends or relatives if I didn't take it. I was never discriminated against for travel or other regular services to a point where I could not buy or sell without it.
The vaccines I have listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking them or for even taking them for that matter.
I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between my family members and/or close friends to a point of destroying my relationships with them ever.
Never have I seen it used for political gain. Never seen a vaccine needing 24/7 mass media advertising and promotion on every media outlet known to man. Never was a vaccine used to specifically for eugenics.
Never have I known a drug to be pridefully developed and pushed to obscure imageboards by the most disgusting fandom in the human race. (i edited this one hopefully OP does not mind)
Then there’s mixing and matching different vaccine brands and being told it's okay to do it one day and then told the next day to not do it (overseas).
I have never seen a rainbow vaccine that destroys the natural sexual order of nature. I have never seen a vaccine that permanently alters the human genome.
I have never seen a vaccine threaten someone's livelihood, as well as wipe out their jobs and financial assets.
I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12-year-old child's consent to supersede their parent's consent (that one alone blows me away).
Finally, after all the vaccines (jab, shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society. So much information is censored, deleted, and removed from the internet and mainstream media!
So many doctors, health care professionals, police and scientists are censored and forbidden to speak out or ask legitimate questions when what is being allowed or not allowed does not make sense! Particularly when it comes from mainstream media.
I have never known a vaccine that has made all the Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture it exempt from liability if it kills everyone to a point where no life insurance will cover it!
This is one powerful vaccine guys! It does all these things above that I have mentioned and yet? It does NOT do the one thing it is supposed to do which is? FIGHT OFF THIS PANDEMIC so why on earth would I get it.

Connect the Dots Fellow Humans if you are seeing this .... (sorry for stealing your pasta filled comment)
1. If Asymptomatic spread exists - Why has it never been shown to occur in any empirical data ?
2. If the PCR test works - Why the mass false positives?
3. If the mask works -Why the six feet?
4. If the six feet works - Why the masks?
5. If all three works - Why the social distancing?
6. If all four works - Why the Lockdowns?
7. If all five works - Why the vax?
8. If the vax works - Why do people care if I get it or not? (They can't get sick if it works)
9. If the vax is safe - Why no liability clause and transparency from Big Pharma?
10. If the PCR test works - Why did Kary Banks Mullis (PCR inventor) say "PCR can NOT be used to determine if someone is positive or negative with ANY virus"
11. If Kary Mullis was not a threat to their agenda - Why did he die in unexplained circumstances just a few months before anyone ever heard of Covid-19?
12. If Sars-Cov-2 actually exists and is not a re-labeled flu strain or Lab altered Corona virus - Why, according to the CDC has it NOT been isolated ?
13. If there is no agenda - Why is the media, governments, WHO, Fauci, Gates and elite oligarchs trying desperately to inject the entire world with an "EXPERIMENTAL DRUG" ???
14. If all 13 is conspiracy - Why the unprecedented largest coordinated mass censorship campaign against Scientists, Doctors, Lawyers and public Free Speech in human History???
The Vaccine was NOT brought in for Covid. Covid was brought in for the Vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense. --Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


nice copypasta, spend less time online and more time doing therapy chud


I think he made it himself though


I love this Philipine namefag lmao


My friend had ENFJ score on 16personalities and is a libertarian semi-normie, semi-Chud who talk too much about politics and sometimes has schizo thoughts. He could write 20 kurwas and 15 pizdas per hour on jewbook messenger.

Back to furries almost every personality-database.com account with furry avatar is ExFx.


I am the globglogabgalab


i'm the gay spanish twink


kys proxyfag pedo troon


Based furry, Thank you for the 'ccine


I have had pfizer and the booster shot.
I am 16. AMA


kill polish tranny pedo furtroon coaler


How does it feel being on the right side of history?


>right side of history
Dunno if that's it. I just got it so I could travel and I hate getting sick. I think other people should get it too, so that we can get over this virus faster.


I had J&J
Feels good I wont have to be ashamed when Grandkids ask me about the pandemic like chud will.


>implying you'll have grandkids


chise is a woman


>>23372 actually i copied it check the jewtube link and browse the comments (dunno if they already deleted it)
>>23382 thanks bro we need more like you

Understood. Noted (hopefully he's human) using social media is fine as long as you dont join the mindless NPC hordle
unfortunately due to the jabs the only loss would be that we cant scan them since the graphene has literally eaten off most of their braincells
i guess the jews saw this coming and they wanted to make sure their bodies have no value left to prevent other people from salvaging their corpses and organs for a small buck
call me psychopathic but man i wish i could kidnap furries IRL and forcefully strap them onto a powerful 11.7T fMRI scanner and make them do some mental exercises inside the scanner (logical or artistic depending on their twitter/inkbunny bio and local decrypted files)
if they dont cooperate their precious RAID5 hoard-drives will be nuked and thier deepest social media secrets exposed (after is secretly diskimage it first takeout userdata on the social accounts first) and find a way to extract the encryption key without making my intent too obvious
the most fun part is to analyze the raw data in real time using advanced unbiased AI military tech NOT made by furries i genuinely wanna know what makes so smart yet so sick from a scientist's perspective perhaps i could find a cure for autism or better yet convert them back into normal straight humans
i heard that severe mental ilnesses are basically tiny lesions and wounds inside the brain itself (hell they might even thank me afterwards for fixing them like the gay dogs they are)

>>23418 >>23420 >>23421
i got the sinovac hopefully its just sailine otherwise im dead) i'd be scared if it was trapped in the muscle and haven't killed me yet but based on what i heard on another chan and site sinovac is not as safe as it seems they have similar shit inside just a different company on chingchong land
https://www.orwell.city/2022/01/dignani.html https://rumble.com/vtg7nl-dr.-marcelo-dignani-shows-vial-contents-seen-under-optical-microscopy.html

>>23417 >>23422
good thing furry cons require you to take the graphite magnetic nanochip vaxxes so they would off themselves like files in a few years for spitting at the face of god
>how does it feel knowing you are on the globohomo's version of history
hope you are proud of yourself now go back to covidiots and fuck off but i wont believe that until you show timestamp of uncensored vax card and removed banadge
oh boy dr fRauDci sure is overjoyed of you now keep grooming and molesting those babies or i will call you a bad goy and take away your diverse family kids

https://www.bitchute.com/video/aqbR6jmKctST/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/2PkVmKoSPMtf/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/UJyYLqzJgiYs/
if these videos above doesn't convince you that furries are anti human nothing else will if you still take the shot after fully knowing who made/developed it and their not-so-good-intentioned true agenda
i dont know wat else to say at you. Well i guess good luck friend we'll all be dead soon but try to live longer so you can watch this clown world burn confy pepe style
in the future we will end up with a society worse than this except its all rainbow anthros violently fighting humans to death for percieved misinformation/bigotry on sight while excusing it as self defense
i knew there are still good human animators down there perhaps all hope is not lost after all we can still rebuild from scratch in last ditch effort all we need left is to gather sane non-furry NON-CLOSETED engineers in some secret organization incase the cops start cracking down (there are lots of them fortunately they are mostly low profile and don't post on social media that much)

incase anyone has a bunch of burner twitter accounts spam her account and then repeatedly ask /them/ questions (getting the pronouns right will force the user to answer the PM or irritate /them/ severely)
email or PM /them/ this ammunition https://archive.is/b2aBI (send the images one by one and keep this raid slow and steady rather than typical quick catty spam)
[pronouns are they/them she/her] bet the furfag will lose its mind quickly and realize its wrongdoings if we dont stop (i chose it this time because this creature is pfizer tier subhuman trash)

>how does it feel knowing you have contributed to one of the most controversial experiments of humanity and the fact that you and your kind have enabled big companies to carry out these shady practices over time before your eyes

how does it feel knowing you never even bat an eyelid let alone stand up for whats right and bring it to light when corporations exploit third world children despite nearly the whole fandom obsessing about hunting zoos and pedos
>how does it feel knowing you have violated the law of nature and you have denied your original physique just to carry out some sick disgusting fetish under the guise of spreading positivity and acceptance worse of all you convinced our generation of youth to abandon humankind just for some attention and validation in some le sekrit VIP club that no sane person cares about

TL;DR saying that most furries are smarter and better than the rest of us is like saying that most niggers have giant silicon dicks and are more emapthic in reality they have below average penises and trash property all the time its yet another jewish fat lie to fool us into helping them
i bet if the globohomo never allowed them into todays society and enabled thier degeneracy ((they)) probably can't even build their own shit from scratch if the humans never gave them the source code or allowed them to plagerize other's classic art style without consequences
#HumansFirst #OurPlanet


That's not being a physcopath. Any rational person who isn't a lifeless sexless permavirgin kitsch cockgobbling subhuman would agree on genociding furries one by one.
Imagine having an entire familar linage fighting milleniums of wars for your existence just to reduce that on being a pathetic fat soy faggot who dresses like an animal and spends all his free time on Twitter.


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furries are also promoting the jab on itchio https://archive.is/DQxw5 you cant be making this one up (i will never support Burn Loot Murder and LeafoGBT)
wouldn't be too surprised if they get free saline shots during game jams cons since their talent is very important for the jew's propaganda and detrimental for the human race if used properly

if you somehow got the saline batch/shot consider yourself lucky you should definitely start praying now god won't give you another chance if you continue this shit

thankfully you didnt take the murderna or the weapon that kills shot it was a lot less dangerous than the three but if cansino or sputnik is available you should prefer it (if fake pass is not an option)

i dont really want to kill or harm them i just wanna get their heads scanned and siphon all the data i could get and then sedate them with a handkerchief on the nose like in the spy movies then leave the unconscious body in the road near their house once im done with them in roblox as if nothing ever happened
i could also give them one of these RFID tracker implants with cyanide but that's just way too cruel and ruins the original point all i ever wanted was to stop this digital disease for good before next generations totally lose their sanity (im not gonna lower myself i still have standards unlike them)

friendly reminder everybody
The Vaccine Should be Tested on Politicians First. If They Survive, the Vaccine Is Safe. If They Don't Then the Country Is Safe
--Polish Author -Monika Wisniewska

home made copypasta incase you post on other forums not imageboards (this is real pay so attention faggot)
no offense guys but furries enjoy being tracked believe it or not they promote CIA backdoored alternatives that pretend to care about encrypted privacy and secretly comply with copyright under the guise of banning "right groups"
they also obsess about opensource software and complain that everything is proprietory yet they hijack good FOSS alternatives to inject their CoC agenda worse part is that they actively the harm OG software base or the developers after they have made thier inclusive forks which are basically skinned version of the software with the names and credits removed
last but not the least they are known to be shitty (apologies for the swear word) programmers they mash together spaghetti code and expect it to run fine but when it dosent they blame the outsiders for sabotaging their git repos instead of addressing the problem itself
they also put emojis and uwu-owos everywhere in the source thus making the code hard to read for others who arent a part of them
Thanks For coming To My TEDx Talk. Have A Nice Evening Sorry If I Have Hurt Others

i know this video is just a skit but if we dont do something for real this is what will actually happen in our not so distant future (there will be a new video trend of unvaxxed humans getting rekt for fun views and likes this is dead serious im not kidding)
incase anyone thinks im a lunatic just to clarify human is someone who is opposed to vax propaganda and far leftist ideology BS wearing rainbow furry POC suits does NOT make you a valid human being as unlike the contrary MSM/CNN beliefs (its called fox news for a reason because it is owned and controlled by jewish furries)
to be perfectly clear i have nothing against women hispanics and other minorities like elderly and those with disabilities but this globohomo shit has to stop at one point


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obligatory bump guys furries should be hunted down IRL for thier crimes against humannity took /pol/ some time to catch up dammn i missed the thread there was a filipino poster there

https://8chan.moe/pol/res/13892.html https://zzzchan.xyz/pol/thread/1079.html

--gonna mirror the text--
Discuss (Thread theme sus.mp3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q8kTKTYx9E
pic related fuck these animals (it appears that chise also has a forced medication fetish can someone confirm)
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/360831201 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/358629807/
thankfully she dosen't have a human genocide fetish

>did you know that most furries are a secret organization working for the big FAGMAN companies and have thier hands on everything internet/IoT/tech related just like jews

jesus christ if furries wanted to destroy the world it will only take them a few lines of code to add in their AI after that skinfags like me would become extinct in a push of a button


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why do you go on the soyjak website to seethe about a anthropomorphic animal cartoons?


kys freak


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go fuck yourself mutt


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>>23880 >>23882
BACK OFF disgusting deviants this is OUR board which part of human only safe space do you not understand retards even read the rules fir fucks sake?
>4. Furry, pony, or loli/shota is not allowed.

SOOT pin this thread plz we need to refresh the sticky once in a while


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>why do you go on the soyjak website to seethe about a anthropomorphic animal cartoons?


soot doesn't give a shit about furry shit anymore
i just fap to hentai


>i know this video is just a skit but if we dont do something for real this is what will actually happen in our not so distant future
shut up nigga fr fr


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alright boyos another bump i got some fresh OC with me plz r8 i will add more later (made with GIMP portable and mspaint)



unironic coal




Classicjak therefore diamond


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>nice copypasta, spend less time online and more time doing therapy chud


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hi fed are you ok fed?

the original copypasta and relevant threads incase anybody needs it https://archive.is/05WRP#q21780 https://soyjak.party/raid//res/22518.html
https://archive.is/LfMyu https://archive.is/QQNhz https://homunizam1.wordpress.com/2019/05/03/ignorance-fear-and-lgbtq/ (guys this maybe important)
>"History, just, doesn't have it be where for thousands of years "humans" ruled the Earth, only to disappear at the same time "Furries" came into existence!"
>The LGBTQ Community Is Locked and Loaded (but slightly hesitant to hunt down straights)
how the fuck do we stop it they are getting stronger everyday i swear humans will be a helpless minority if we dont stop this shit early (not trying to incite violence here)

new 'oss just dropped bump this board is moving faster every week gotta EDit fast before this 404s
note i dont really hate communism i am not a political expert in any way but fuck LGBT and furry indoctrination
welp i tried (did i do good?) practice makes perfect rename the pics if needed for real trolling/raiding operations dont forget to credit me afterwards optional though
hopefully this should inspire other drawfags to make anti-lgbt shit on 4chan ITS NOT TOO LATE DONT SURRENDER to the antichrist




if you are this obsessed about furtroons you might just be one yourself chud


Never taking the Jewish death injection, cope seethe and sneed.


what the fuck why was my pasta deleted? am i banned?

>25197 nobodys gonna bite? well that sucks not even a single coal sage nas post (gonna make some memes later on here have some enjoy some pastas while i prepare my shit)
kek i had to get two tetanus jabs yesterday due to rat bite while i clean my computer wires welp that wasn't so bad but i managed to slay that fucker quickly

anti-furry copypasta (v2 edited hopefully i dont get rangebanned on 4chan trash 2k char limit) (items not in order read SLOWLY one by one) (this list is non exhaustive)
[first] hey furfags now that the world is ending ill ask you this little thing before judgement day comes /genuine/ question but how does it feel like knowing that
[or] if you think the furry fandom is innocent keep in mind that they have done/engaged in the following over the past years you cant make all this shit up society is waking up
[or2] friendly reminder /g/entlemen judgement day is coming you will soon pay for your heinous crimes against humanity once the shamdemic is over you're next furfag
>chise murderna/you contributed to the most controversial experiments in human history by designing the serum itself while working together with 3 bigh pharma firms
>Ally antifa furs/you have helped officers silence and violently detain/arrest legitimate sane free thinking humans with the excuse of harmful medical misinformation
>gay furries/you have built the security foundation to protect the most most unethical businesses from vengeful hackers who want to expose what they really are
>infursec/you fully cooperated with researchers to slide/disrupt and take down the last bastions of free speech imageboards in the web in the name of safety-ism
>shill furries/you have polluted the software/hardware industry so they/you could carry out your sick robotic fetishes and then calling it a hobby for your deviant excuse
>NSA furries/you infiltrated public opensource groups and bent their rules just so you could make inclusive CoC patreon-integrated forks then cancel the OG developers
>radical vax furs/you convinced uninformed children to shove deadly drugs up their veins to receive free 100$ drawing commissions and candies on the local school food bars
>evil furries/you and others have done lots of work on the AI which will one day deem humanity not worthy/undeserving of life despite their techonlogical contributions
>popufurs/you have indoctrinated and OPENLY encouraged children to learn your degenerate fursuiting tricks under the guise of spreading woke species positivity
>pedofurs/you enjoyed molesting and raping children in one of the most secretive elite pedophile rings and used animal blood in the sacrifice after you sodomize it
>libtarded furries/you preached and paraded loudly to brainwash traditional third world countries into accepting LGBTQPZ while pretending to be against right-leaning hate
>furfags/you've gaslit once peaceful tribes/countries/colonies into hating each other with made-up BLM/UK oppression they suffered in the past all while ruthlesly laughing at thier collapse
>tech savvy furs/you have built killer protogen robots which will one day erase humans and memoryhole their long old history to make room for anthros and rewrite the past
>jewish furries/you have organized secret societies and practiced freemasonry with top level FAGMAN companies to help carry out your satanic narrative once and for all
weren't you animals content with your agenda? your final plan sickos? what was it like? how did it feel wiping out the OG inhabitants of earth is this what you truly wanted?
[edit and change if needed i made quite a lot of mistakes and revisions in this pasta] [the Nuremberg trials are coming we will get our revenge someday if the nukes dont drop]

[alright jewish tiananmen square edition lemme know if i missed something i tried my best here took me 3 hours to make plz dont call me a schizo]
DNA/race based disease targeting מיליון משרות שנוצרו על ידי היטלר Furries Steadily Growing During WW2 בנקאים בריטים החל ממלחמת העולם השנייה Furemberg Trials עבודה פנימית Jewish FurAffinity Owner פמיניסטיות יהודיות Feminization and Emasculation of Men פמיניזציה של גברים מערביים לקראת רצח עם Poisonous Drugs in Tap Water הורמונים במי ברז Chise Murderna Vaccine Crimes Against Humanity הפשעים של מיקרוסופט נגד האנושות בנקים יהודיים באנגליה ובמדינות שהכריזו מלחמה על גרמניה עם חרם עולמי על כל הסחורות הגרמניות והסחר עם המערב לפני שהתקיים יהודי כלשהו בגרמניה AI Being Taught to Censor Traditional Family Values למידת AI Fursona Creator משמשת לצנזור האופוזיציה Sentient Roko's Basilisk Prototype אב-הטיפוס של מוסד רוקו Jewish Experiments Carried Out and Tested on Kidnapped And Separated Straight Sane Couples as Punishment ניסויים ישראליים ביצעו פלסטינים חטופים Auschwitz Was Not Meant For Homicidal Use ארובות אושוויץ שנבנו על ידי סובייטים BLM Race War Antifa Murrsuiter Parade מירוץ מלחמה RiseUP pro-leftist LGBT Psyop מתקן גרעיני של דיסנילנד Dangerous Long Term Warning About Furries Utilizing Technology אזהרה גרעינית לטווח ארוך The Purpose of Suggestive Furry Porn is to Permanently Re-wire Human Sexuality שיפוע מוחלט של פורנו Suppression of Long Term Evolutionary Consequences of the Homo-Sexual Liberation in 1990s השלכות אבולוציוניות לטווח הארוך של המהפכה התעשייתית Human Race Deemed Worthless יהלומים חסרי ערך Furries With Unlawful Weapons Fully Legalized ח"כ אולטרה Nonprofit Human Eugenics Organization תרופת הביולומינסנציה של Netflix TV Subliminal Messages Zootopia/MLP Used for Youth Mind Control הודעות סאבלימינל בטלוויזיה המשמשות לבקרת תודעה Last Resort Nuclear Program if Holocough Narrative backfires תוכנית הגרעין הישראלית The Great Reset Option For Agenda 2030 אפשרות שמשון Dystopian Internet Of Chips Governed By Furry Security Researchers בבעלות בנקאים באו"ם Elon Musk's War on Earthlings המלחמה בחג המולד Normalization of Zoosadism and Pedophilia נורמליזציה של פדופיליה Masonic Rituals using Sodomized Animal Blood עֲלִילַת דָם Child Sacrifice for Satanic Purposes Disguised as Abortions קרבן ילדים למולוך שהתחפש להפלות Hollywood Pedophile Ring Owned by Elite Celebrities טבעת פדופיל שטנית Dancing Ukranian Pig רוקדים ישראלים Israeli occupation in mainstream tech companies כיבוש ישראל בגדה המערבית National Furry Rights Agreement 2060 הסכם העוברה Human-Anthro dual citizens in Congress אזרחים אמריקאים-ישראלים כפולים בקונגרס Snowden Leaks רייצ'ל קורי CREST research 4chan survey analysis and sliding בדחפורים של בתים פלסטיניים


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w7-890 (You) Philippines 1 hour ago No.25850 >>25851 https://archive.is/z4JLI https://archive.is/Wz48Z
File (hide): 1647907863437-0.png (631.47 KB, 672x656, humanity by 2030 if nobody stops globohomo.png)
File (hide): 1647907863437-1.jpg (68.77 KB, 350x1253, what the fucking abomination am i looking at.jpg)
File (hide): 1647907863437-2.png (401.13 KB, 977x897, this is no longer conspiracy its real as time goes by.png)
forgot my files whoops why did soot delete my gem pasta? the third file link is broken (i added a second bonus cuz why not)


File: 1651324622470.png (2.65 MB, 1651x1850, lopunny32.png)


File: 1651335561526-0.png (203.2 KB, 680x510, a world without furries is….png)

File: 1651335561526-1.png (69.52 KB, 1072x596, this is your fate furfag t….png)

File: 1651335561526-2.jpg (5.19 KB, 320x245, what the real acronym shou….jpg)

what the what? i was just about to bump the thread oh well atleast you saved it for me

is it me or /r/antifu/furryhatezone is just a massive circlejerk that nobody really cares about? also most anti furries on youtube support non-zoophiile furries which is pretty hyocritical if you ask me (also they seem fine with trannies as well) what a bunch of traitors
holy fuck google is promoting jabs (again(again)) https://archive.is/yHrND remember the real meaning of LGBT folks [Lying Gaslighting Bullying Traitors]
incase you haven't known yet the final end the goal of furries isnt to make anthros a reality but to make humans fiction with the use of advanced technology and the help of jewish censorship/erasure you can't make this shit up
always remeber that negotiating with animals/furries will get you nowhere pic related lets get the 38% higher
Friendly Reminder: Never use gendered language towards a commie/furfag. Please use "it", "thing", and "object" in order to respect their gender non-specific culture. Thank you. -ChapoTardHouse


kys romanian filth



File: 1651364341920.png (8.01 KB, 454x520, ClipboardImage.png)



make a better one then


you are delightfully insane


good god you somehow mange to be worse than the anti-furry anti-vax schizo.




burn romania


Coal thread


File: 1654111043502-0.jpg (144.46 KB, 1136x2048, an enemy of my enemy is no….jpg)

File: 1654111043502-1.jpg (233.02 KB, 1280x2582, do the needful sirs know t….jpg)

File: 1654111043502-2.png (68.65 KB, 788x788, spam repost alt account fo….png)

happy pride month everybody lets do the needful and vandalize some rainbow flags on whatever popular/trending art you can find (im gonna covert the colors into a blurred gradient for EZ bucket replacement)
>inb4 NYPA
oh and btw #JEWpride/sexual #JewsArentValid #EnoughFurrySpam/SP4M #SkinfagsAreHuman (oh and finally gamer rights are human rights keep that in mind)

>bbut furries and kemono are different from lgbt why do you hate us so much

remember the following quotes from hitler himself it might literally save your life one day (well sort of)
The leader of genius must have the ability to make different opponents appear as if they belonged to one category
this is literally how furries see skinfags mark my words gentlemen (its 2022 guys grow up bigot and expect some straight hate this year were getting closer to Sodom and Gomorrah)
one hundred bags of pure unjabbed human blood are not worth a single drop of ghey furry semen

sorry guys i dont have time to reply to your comments might do so tomorrow (already 'chived the important threads in the meantime) im a but late today but thats OK i probably should have posted this in the middle of june or so when the FAGMAN flags are fully up


File: 1654193195736-0.gif (90.79 KB, 166x205, 1641577566635-0.gif)

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File: 1654193195736-2.jpg (13.31 KB, 211x255, 1641617187046.jpg)

sorry about that soot if this is considered spam i had the HTML loaded on my browser when the sharty got reverted i just wanted to restore the comments i forgot i left it while cleaning files
-----BEGIN----- >>25638
-1. {already there} Chud France 5 months ago No. >>25659 | >>25652 (You) | Damn | >>25653 | You're a dogfucker though
-2. legalize AnthroH8 (You) Philippines 5 months ago No. >>25707 >>25708 >>25710
>>25641 nice image bro you stole it here https://archive.is/Jg909/f7eac6f62183166d3c7c4fa013367661f48ccbb3.png
| >>25643 i wonder whos behind this post pic related its you_IRL https://archive.is/qVLAW/2194a66db62548f443be5bd422b23c6debd179e1.png
-3. Chud Poland 5 months ago No. >>25708 >>25709 >>25783 | >>25707 (You) | >Took him 8 hours to come up with this respones
-4. legalize AnthroH8 (You) Philippines 5 months ago No. >>25709 | >>25708 | i was waiting for a reply but no one seems interested so i bumped it myself lel
-5. Chud Morocco 5 months ago No. >>25710 | >>25707 (You) | Meds.
-6. Chud United States 5 months ago No. >>25771 | File (hide): 1641577566635-0.gif (90.78 KB, 166x205, 1625187401401.gif) | File (hide): 1641577566635-1.gif (2.36 MB, 256x256, 1627749738874.gif)
-7. [sage] kek i got B& on cuckchan (You) Philippines 5 months ago No. >>25775 >>25781 >>25800
You are banned! ;_; Banned You have been banned from /pol/ for posting >>355020853, a violation of Rule 1:
Off-topic; all images, debate, and discussion should be related to politics and current events. Off-topic threads should be posted on /bant/.
Your ban was filed on January 4th, 2022 and expires on January 7th, 2022 at 21:39 ET, which is 3 hours and 48 minutes from now.
According to our server, your IP is: [fuck off iplogger] The name you were posting with was GasChamber4Rent.
Because of the short length of your ban, you may not appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.
You have also been banned from all boards for posting >>>/vg/367346296, a violation of Rule 1:
Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to video games.
Your ban was filed on January 7th, 2022 and expires on January 10th, 2022 at 09:12 ET, which is 2 days and 15 hours from now.
According to our server, your IP is: [fuck off furfag] The name you were posting with was inb4 filtered.
Because of the short length of your ban, you may not appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.
-8. Chud United States 5 months ago No. >>25781 >>25786 | File (hide): 1641617187046.jpg (126.79 KB, 995x1200, Eil7TJpXcAARzan.jpg)
>>25775 (You) | maybe don't be a furfag and you won't get benned next time LOL
-9. w7-890 (You)!elUzZM2K/o Philippines 5 months ago No. >>25782
kek you followed me all the way here during the soy /raid/s nice job bro | oh and by the way have you played that game i just shared (on anonfiles and catbox)
-10. Chud Russian Federation 5 months ago No. >>25783 >>25786 | >>25708 | kek
-11. [sage-goes-in-all-fields] w7-890 (You) Philippines 5 months ago No. >>25786 | >>25783 uhh whats so funny huh? i fell asleep while posting this
| >>25781 | you have to go back (oh and do you have a link for those 3d models the other anons are talking about i need it for my collection)
https://boards.4channel.org/vg/thread/366485481 (also stop spamming wigger goat pron its morally wrong)
-12. Chud Spain 5 months ago No. >>25800 | >>25775 (You) | Lmfao
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welp got banned again by the trannyjannies /g/ for attacking the niggercattle /b/rony (why did fission defend him? i thought 4chan hated this shit actively)
4chan | You are banned! ;_; | Banned | You have been banned from /g/ for posting >>87155332, a violation of Rule 1:
| Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to technology and related topics.
| Your ban was filed on May 31st, 2022 and expires on June 1st, 2022 at 01:06 ET, which is 12 hours and 20 minutes from now.
| According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was w7-890.
| Because of the short length of your ban, you may not appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.
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will continue on the next day see ya guys inb4 schizo


File: 1654193845221.jpg (76.09 KB, 498x800, new retard injection about….jpg)

New retard injection dropping soon, retards line up so you can get the science juice early and be the envy of your retard friends


i really do not fuckin get you
what the hell are you?


File: 1654193876009.jpg (86.58 KB, 563x800, new retard injection about….jpg)


>fauci is smart and proactive and wants to save the world


Oh wait nevermind this is a furry thread, everyone kys


File: 1654213676070.png (281.75 KB, 655x569, frogun.png)

what are you fags even talking about?


>anthropomorphic frog
furfag spotted


this thread is never going to die is it?

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