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/nate/ - Coal

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i love catboys theyre so cute the tail and ears are so cute especially if they do the :3 face i want to pat them irl they're so cute the ears and tail its so cute also the :3 is so cute i love catboys also my BPM increases by 5 when i see a catboy pic they're so cute and i would love to pat a catboys head i would do it 24/7 and i got mad rn because i realised that there isnt at least 18 billion drawings of catboys they're so cute catboys are so cute nobody realises it and i want to pat a catboy's head imagine having 30000 pics of catboys in gallery if i would have that many pictures of catboys my life would be complete and i would enjoy everything and also did i mention how cute catboys are because of their tail and ears? anime maid catboys i want to have a personal catboy irl i would sell my whole family for it and my family also wouldnt be proud of me if they heard this i love catboys and you're probably not proud of me also did i mention how cute catboys are and how much i love them? i love catboys! also why did i write this message


he ulgy however



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