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/nate/ - Coal

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Waving your goodbyes with your plastic hands and century-old arctic kisses
And not a finger lifts till it all turns to shit and you all act like you're impressed
You slouch now, even further down, as you're wondering how a top floor could replace heaven
We've built it all, we've made our gods
Locked in ourselves

Laugh yourself red
Laugh yourself red
Laugh yourself red (I know you'd choke)
Laugh yourself red
Laugh yourself red (I know you'd choke)

Waving your goodbyes with your plastic hands and century-old arctic kisses
And not a finger lifts till it all turns to shit and you all act like you're impressed
You slouch now, even further down, as you're wondering how a top floor could replace the heaven you once saw so well
We've built it all, we've made our gods
Now we're locked in ourselves

It's their time, it's still time
You know I'm, I'm tired
It's their time, it's still time
You know I'm, I'm tired

Yeah, an airbag could save my life
When my lungs collapse from methane gas of melting ice caps
Yeah, an airbag could save my life
(It's their time, it's still time, you know I'm, I'm tired)
When my lungs collapse from methane gas of melting ice caps
(It's their time, it's still time, you know I'm, I'm tired)
If it was airtight and not uptight
(It's their time, it's still time, you know I'm, I'm tired)
So laugh yourself 'cause in the end I know you'd choke
(It's their time, it's still time, you know I'm, I'm tired)

I know you'd choke
I know you'd choke
I know you'd choke
I know you'd choke
Choke, choke
Choke, choke

If it was airtight
If it was airtight
If it was airtight
If it was airtight
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)
Airtight (I know you'd choke)
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)
If it was airtight (I know you'd choke)



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