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/nate/ - Coal

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646865053435.png (1.36 MB, 976x1065, Sidson Iv's the haters.png)


>>gee, more forced 'cord coal, this is EXACTLY what the 'sharty needs!
>fucking kys nigger. YWNBC (you will never be cobson)


File: 1646865496860-0.png (62.23 KB, 423x573, Cob Meets Sid.png)

File: 1646865496860-1.png (138.26 KB, 741x706, The Sidsons.png)

File: 1646865496860-2.png (521.13 KB, 800x800, Sidheart.png)


File: 1646867475878.png (39.76 KB, 240x240, SID why can't we post sid.png)

Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?


Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
I seen you moving all my threads to /nate/
I just don't get, what's with all the hate!
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
I seen you spamming down in the 'sharty
I draw sid gems,but you won't join the party
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
I get datamined,my ip is fined
I hope you notice,all my ID'eas that Shine
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?
Why can't we post SID?


Fake url


real however

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