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/nate/ - Coal

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File: 1646788549773.png (171.78 KB, 492x498, nojak portal.png)


This was a gemmy
I'm making a thread here; "Massive Win"
It's hard to overstate
My satisfaction
Soyjak dot party:
/qa/'s new win
even though,it's lost
For the cultures of image boards
Except the ones made by Kuz
But there's no sense quoting
Over mod locked threads
You just keep on posting
Till the sharty is dead
And the soyjaks gets done
And you maskpost some
For the jakkers who are
Still online
I'm not even calm
I'm being so nutty right now
Even though you raided my thread,
With CP
And spammed the word "sneed"
And posted nas on it aswell
As they banned it hurt because
I was so happy for you
Now, these posts on 'ru
Make a beautiful 'lot
And we're out of 4cuck
We're releasing new 'oots
So the VATH works well
Think of new variants fine and swell-
For the jakkers who are
Still online
Go ahead and ban me
I think I'd prefer to stay outside
Maybe you'll find some new mean
To force here?
Maybe Crystal Cafe?
That was a joke *Haha -Dilate*
Anyway this 'jak is great
It's so colorful and deformed
Look at me: still posting
When there's jakking to do
When I take my meds,
I do the Vath and i'm glad I'm not you
I've threads to create
So don't tempt the fate the jakkers who are
Still Online
And believe me I am
Still Online
I'm doing maskposts and I'm
Still Online
I feel gemtastic and I'm
Still Online
While you're dilating I'll be
Still Online
And when you're -ACK'd I will be
Still Online
Still Online


this is a good parody and all...but how will this help Kamala Harris defend Our Democracy?


Maskposting is inherent to the 'bama adminsitration. The actor for Jorge is on it. Son of the Mask is our only hope for our Democracy.


Moved to >>>/soy/377397

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