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/nate/ - Coal

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646494778382-0.jpeg (400.96 KB, 1125x711, 51ACB759-8461-4210-A419-E….jpeg)

File: 1646494778382-1.png (13.4 KB, 311x313, 15E3DBDE-29C0-4F79-816B-AE….png)

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i dont care


i do.


File: 1646494951377.png (1.37 MB, 4421x2587, I’m stuff SotM .PNG)

Yes you do,dont lie.


File: 1646494986544.jpeg (122.16 KB, 873x1271, FFABEC85-76A7-4C57-88D5-1….jpeg)

You may be /Lok/ but you aren't locked.
ID'd you is.


File: 1646497854005.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 1646183931255.mp4)


File: 1646499266654.png (471.69 KB, 1125x2436, FA749C3A-10E6-4B2B-BB85-CC….png)


>But those trans hate threads are suspicious
What is he trying to say?


File: 1646504089920.jpeg (599.1 KB, 731x1777, 549B5812-06D1-4850-9295-4….jpeg)

He think they're planned opposition from /bant/ to give them fuel to ddos this site.
Also stop with this arg bullshit I'm doing a comic






Kool Yung Sid?

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