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 No.16227[View All]

What games are you most excited about teens?
193 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


and also none in yours kike


like your head was at a young age kike


gem but still chuddy


like you will soon kike


scorn doesn't look too bad
gemerald but still a chuderald


File: 1655066762157.png (31.2 KB, 321x430, chudhang.png)





alright this goldeneye game is the gemmiest thus far


Mars shit #5182795182751928501257


deliver me from this walking simulator mars coal


chud approved


it's over blizzbros.


these games are all dust


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very 'jakworthy




frozen dust


will be filled with 6 billion DLC




>you WILL update to windows 10


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he's right


it smell like cheese!!!!!


next-level coalium


>budget oil painting slideshow #85193751892537115251351253415


oregon trail but gaysome


more mobile coal


survival coal


coalreal coalgine coal


valve dust


>so few games this year that they have to put in fan mods to fill up time


this is what happens when all the devs are extremely overmedicated




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they're right


that was honestly the worst stream i have ever watched. not even a tf2troon


what do the other 'teens itt think?


i agree with you completely. gaming is dead. all garbage dust, huge L


Like I said, putting fan mods in just shows how little they have to show. valve is lazy.


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Where is the next product thingy to get excited for or is that all for today? I dont want to take my sleepy meds yet doctor


pretty sure these niggers have nothing else to show


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prease understand making video game very hard sir


do not redeem :(


capcom is tomorrow cant hecking wait for nigger fighter and resident evil 4 port number 20


didn't watch this crap video games are dead lmao


what time is it



damn that’s crazy but who asked




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>damn that’s crazy but who asked



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