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1. 1.5/10, hair pulled back to reveal eastern euro phenotype + eternal honbrow. at least THEY don't look like THEY smell like shit. Also cover your pushpin nipples you filthy freak
2. 2/10, very manly, giant long head, but THEY have the bitch smile down. Terrible hairstyle, I already want to beat cis women who have that hair
3. 4/10, would almost pass if THEY were slightly fatter and didn't put as much filthy chemical shit in THEIR hair and had a normal haircut, your baby bottle's BPA was enough chemical disfiguration for a lifetime
4. 6/10, would pass as a pajeetess if you PLUCKED YOUR FUCKING EYEBROWS
5. cosmo/10
6. N/A, probably 4.5/10. Image was edited to give THEM more of a Benjamin Franklin cut. Skin looks pretty below average, and hairstyle probably originally didn't frame THEIR face well enough.
7. 1.5/10, horrendously obvious AGP sufferer, looks like a chud comedian pretending to be trans for "the lulz"

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