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File: 1645859144689.jpg (123.27 KB, 1280x638, omori-rpg-terror-psicologi….jpg)


what are the 'arty's thoughts on Omori?




locked but the 'jaks based on it are keyed


not translated in my language therefore i won't play it


boring predictable emo and gay


File: 1645927453635.gif (547.03 KB, 644x800, 7302 - fbb0d484add89e502d2….gif)


what is an omori


File: 1646199740303.png (259.52 KB, 505x511, 2022-03-01-225542_505x511_….png)

new 'mori jak


File: 1654222365859.png (292.58 KB, 1488x876, ClipboardImage.png)

new 'mori coal



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