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File: 1645552156975.png (242.62 KB, 1178x1180, 1643919257738-0.png)


does the sharty like blank banshee?


>vaporwave good even though it’s slow which means that your not having fun because if it was fun it would be night nightcore because time flies when your having fun and nightcore is fast therefore time is speeding up when you listen to it


File: 1645552281855.gif (326.51 KB, 1000x1000, timeflieswhenyourhavingfun….GIF)


File: 1645552445890.png (43.09 KB, 1500x1500, skelejak.png)

>time speeding up good even though that means you're going to die faster


File: 1645552504676.png (532.46 KB, 1448x1365, IMG_3743.PNG)

>time flying bad even though it means you’re having fun


File: 1645552675238.png (340.89 KB, 1515x1097, 5316.png)

>having fun good


File: 1645571268104.png (43.48 KB, 700x700, ClipboardImage.png)

i like them


this album is good : )


seen him twice irl

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