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/muv/ - Music & Video Games

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File: 1645381063565.jpg (28.73 KB, 880x480, doomer-boy-header.jpg)


why the fuck are music and vidya one board?


Arguably the worst wojak variant


File: 1645389480442.png (33.41 KB, 331x500, sercesojak.png)

idk, but muv rhymes with luv and it's wholesome




its pronounced "myoov" because the "mu" in "music"


is pronounced "Move"


File: 1645576142681.png (102.1 KB, 292x172, ClipboardImage.png)

>why the fuck are music and vidya one board?


Idk, I read it in language where u is always the same sound.


i was the one responsible for this

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