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>visual novels


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>Katawa Shoujo


lol that's the game where you have sex with double amputees


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>Visual novels with 4th wall breaks


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>tags: high school student heroine


I like them though, we should make a thread when we play visual novels together, like adventure threads, when the first person to reply decides what we should do next in game.


good idea, do you know any drawfags we could bother?


I don't think you get it, I mean I would play a game, and just take screenshots from it, while the party makes choices.


I also like them, it's just that being on this website for too long makes it difficult to start a conversation without a soyjak.


Soyjak VN when?


'0th 'pansion website


10th expansion?


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gem lol


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Yeah, but we need someone to make sexy soyjaks that you can date
chudjak is a candidate as well


oh wait sorry I misread your post
sure do katawa shoujo since it's a le ebin oldfag game


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Subahibi is peak 'arty VN


you mean maitetsu


You will hang, pedophile


Literally who?


I saw this faggot before. What is this VN about?


Is that kaworu?


thread goes up

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