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What are some good digital card games other than the 'stone.
I've already played shadowverse (which is powercrept as hell compared to when i last played it), eternal (whose latest expansions are even shittier than hearthstones) and faeria (which sucks).


Built for BHC


downloading the 'scrolls 'gends as of now


Heart stone fucking sucks. The anwser is none. The all turne to shit after a year of meta ruining updates.
Both good games before one shitty updates.


t. making games in another genre


File: 1637703935491.png (254.18 KB, 820x773, missis.png)

>i play card games




The card game in Digimon World 3


I want to play the new DBZ card game in DBZ Karakot so badly but they haven't fixed the servers for it yet. Personally my favorite kind of card games are ones that are within games themselves, since they offer a good side activity to the main storyline.

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