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/int/ - International

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File: 1654257086372.png (125.34 KB, 1474x1068, heat.png)


It is so hot in jais, uttar pradesh that you cant go outside without an umbrella or your skin will feel burns from rays tho.

Does this happen in other countries?


lmao 41c i would be dead by then how do you guys do it


You have such a faggot skin lol


bruh white boy cant handle heat lmao




Gonna need that in Fahrenheit


File: 1654289730634.png (7.63 KB, 680x768, 375 - ear glasses scared s….png)

That's why I'm scared of going to India.


cumskin alert



why are shartiers gay and the sun makes their skin melt?


File: 1654383464515.png (399.28 KB, 773x706, 1917 - anima bear bloodsho….png)

Nigga it's heckin' forty celsius degrees!!!!!!!!

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