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/int/ - International

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File: 1654198574990.jpg (113.83 KB, 720x574, b847a9b35aba86e6a55a04e06c….jpg)


Was life way better during independence than today? When 1 dollar was just 5 rupees. When middle class families owned big homes instead of small flats. Population was just 300 million, cities were clean and no traffic, and no improper city planning with dust and pollution. No one cheated each other and crime was less. No adulterated food, and bullshit of capitalism

Or is it better today?


File: 1654199085059.gif (1.33 MB, 435x498, 165419857499.gif)

>no soy milk
>no avengers funko pops
>no blacked.com


it is better today you're just a cherrypicking paki incel

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