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Westernbros... We got too cocky


>female sex tourism
so 60+ year old rotten cunts




post your boypussy spanish twink


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shes right


you're NOT from kazakhstan


>still not posting it


i honestly dont believe to this shit
or better i can believe the south american and african ones
but spain, italy and greece are probably counted in only because of places like Riccione, Mykonos, Palma or Ibiza, and SEA as a female sex tourism destination is totally unbelievable


>Fleeing the countries they ruined with the longhouse towards countries which still maintain an effective masculine tradition
>Coming back and advocating for the longhouse
Women y'know


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>Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
Kek which bored journalist invents this shit?


not sure about it but i think these ones are real no one just "invented" them


All european women get fucked when they visit Ibiza, Tenerife or Alicante idk


Also I've never heard about Mykonos in my life, tourists in Greece visit Crete literal embodiment of Mediterranean SOVLness


spanish twink needs to get fucked by a milf sex tourist and share the video with the sharty


meds have no sovl at all


almost as if they are irrational animals that need to be put under submission and suffrage is the stupidest thing to ever give them


>Writing this with a Roman U
lol nice one Muhammad


muhammadian kangs are part of med heritage tho


muhammad was irish however


thats an ALBANIAN U tho


And now they're part of swedish heritage


Still med


yeah ik just saying that they go there because there is a huge partying scene, not necessarily because they fetishize locals like they do with niggers or spics
it's pretty much ibiza/mallorca but greek afaik
useless island where nordcuck tourists go to club, do drugs, fuck and generally be degenerates

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